Thursday, September 14, 2017

Top 10 Sites To Increase Your Branding On Google

By Googling yourself or business name, you can see how you look in search engines. Your profile and description in meta description works amazingly in deciding the kind of Brand you are. The key objective of branding is to dominate all the search results on 1st page when someone searches you or the business’s name. Yes, it is possible and in this post, we will learn how to do that!

Branding means pushing or removing all the negative elements from the 1st page search results. You can do this by mixing the SEO, social media and branding strategies together. Let’s have a look at how you can personify your brand on Google in the following easy steps:

Take control of SE snippets via Google+

You can control the snippet by creating a profile that you know Google has already indexed. For instance, Google indexes Google+ profiles quickly, so you can optimize it for snippets. You can add complete business information, keywords, local address, phone number, zip code or whatever you can include to reach customers. Make use of all of the relevant keywords in your profile to get better results.

Optimize LinkedIn Profile

If you have an awesome LinkedIn profile, chances are more likely that you will appear at the first page. Add your location, business name and include website url so that Google can easily recognize you. Your profile should be visible for public view and completed. Do not forget to add links to your blog and Google+ profile.

Optimize your profile on website

The About Me page on your website should be properly optimized as search engines pick those pages and make them appear on the 1st page. Optimize the links, pages, profile, Google+ profile along with other social links, and tweak your url seriously. It is better to monitor analytics to check performance of this page on a regular basis.

Get on Twitter

Twitter profiles have good probability to appear on search engines when your business name is typed. Utilize those 140 characters wisely and include the best information. Even if you are not a fan of Twitter, just create a profile, add some followers, put your business information and tweet some links. You can inter-connect your social media profiles with Twitter so that your account looks to be active.


Create a Facebook fan page and optimize it with keywords and other information. Upload a professional image, place your business info and get engaged with people in your network. Fan pages often rank high and thus increases your chances to fetch the number one page.

Create slides on Slide Share

A profile on Slide Share will often rank if not at the top then bottom. Create a profile on this website and choose your account type. Choose a theme and apply into your slides. In fact, promotion on Slide Share can also boost your SEO. Create useful slides and publish with your website’s link. Your Slide Share profile should be maintained for optimal results.

Get on YouTube

Upload a video of yourself stating your products and services to increases the chances to appear on the 1st page of Google. Optimize the titles, descriptions, tags and other elements to get more exposure. Make sure to include your or business’s name in the title or description to get better results.

Get engaged on Quora

Quora pages have good capability to get picked by search engines. Create a profile there, add images of your business and follow some people. You can also follow the topics you are interested in. It is, in fact, recommended to participate in Q & A of other people related to your industry. It will exhibit your contribution and builds strong image in the minds of people.


Tumblr also ranks great and if you have profile there, you can get good results. Pick your sub domain name carefully and write some posts so that people can see who you are and what you do. Tumblr is very similar to other blog sites like BlogSpot, WordPress etc. It has an amazing potential to broadcast your business to larger audiences.


Flickr is actually an image submission site but ranks well. Add your business info, put keywords and add your business images. Do not forget to add the link of your site and location info. Add as many images as you can and let the search engines to do their work. Include your tags and other elements to stay at the top.

So, these are top 10 websites you can use in order to brand yourself. Knowing that you can be on the 1st page of search engines for your name or business name, make sure to create these profile seriously. The information in these profiles will exhibit your brand value and thus makes your business recognizable across the web. Creating these profiles also helps in pushing other people or businesses from the 1st page. This means you can dominate search engines when anyone searches your business.

If you do not have time to create and manage these profiles, it is better to hire professional Digital Marketing expert or company. After all, your brand image is what will generate business for you.

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